Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday cards and christmas cards?

why is it ok to open xmas cards up to several weeks before december 25th, but can only open birthdays cards on our actual birthday?

Birthday cards and christmas cards?
You can put xmas cards up to decorate and it is the "holiday season," but you only get decorations one day, and there's no "birthday season" unfortunately, it's a one-day deal.
Reply:Don't even know why the Victorians invented cards, they should come back and write them, post them, deliver them, and open them, and dump them.
Reply:Would you like to open over one hundred cards on Christmas morning dont think so

......@.@.@.@..@..@ for YoU


















Reply:if you get letters in the mail for your birthday you can open them before your birthday. there is no law against that.
Reply:You can if they are mailed to you.

Also you can if someone gives it to you and won't see you on your birthday.
Reply:very good question must be some sort of eticate
Reply:because.................................... don't know actually.


♥ Lizzie


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